Shortly after applying the boat graphics, we headed out on the boat, across the sound to Port Madison for our cruising club halloween cruise. The weather forecast was a bit intimidating for the weekend and consequently the turnout was less than usual, but the club house was warm and cozy and the food was good. We ended up winning the pumpkin carving contest, part of the prize being a nice bottle of wine. We are trying to reduce our wine stores on the boat before heading to Canada in the spring, and by drinking one bottle with dinner and then winning one right after, we may have to try different tactics.
On Sunday, it turned out they got the forecast right, and it was a bit lumpy bringing the boat back home. About mid-Sound we were registering steady 27 knot winds with gusts just over 38 knots. This was the first bad weather we have been out in since acquiring our new shipmate, and Hope seemed more annoyed than scared, and thankfully didn't show any signs of being sick.